Unsere Zuchtstuten

Piccola Sunday


Frozen Little Gold

Scats Eletric

Miss Topsail Girl

IM A Topsail Cody X Peppy Par

Hollywood Dun Angel

Qh Mare by Hollywoodtinseltown X Shining Spark


PH Mare by Ricochet Rooster X Big Chex to Cash

Yellow Melody

QH Mare by Yellow Jersey X Smartin Off

Dealin the Cash

PH Mare by One Gun x Planet in Hollywood

Wimpys Top Step

*2006 QH Mare by Wimpys Little Step out of Topsail Boss Missie

TJ Spirits Magic Oak

*2011 QH Mare by ARC Surprise Oak out of TJ Spicy Spirit

PC Lady Rooster

*2009 QH Mare by Ricochet Rooster out of Fos No Gravity


QH Mare by Inwhizable X Be Aech Enterprise

So findet man uns

SiHorses QH Zucht
Vor dem Rettberge 1

31061 Alfeld